The way of the Joypreneur vs Entrepreneur

What does it mean to be a Joypreneur?

Here’s how to spot a Joypreneur and what makes him/her different:

The reason they start creating, eg a business:
The Joypreneur is moved from the inside to create, follows his/her passion and seeks freedom
vs the entrepreneur who has an idea, sees a market opportunity and seeks to make profit/ exit / living

How they see their (potential) clients:
For the Joyprneur it’s about serving them and building community
vs the entrepreneur who wants to get more and more clients and sell his/her product

The way they see work:
For a Joypreneur work is more like play, it can feel effortless, being in his/her zone of genius and collaborating with the right people
vs the entrepreneur who sees work as the daily grind, hustling, getting more and more checked off the to-do-list

When they work:
The Joypreneur knows that there are phases with more and less energy and takes breaks when he/she doesn’t do and just is
vs the entrepreneur who pushes through when he/she is tired, always wanting to get done more and more

How they make decisions:
The Joypreneur connects to his/her intuition and values when making decisions
vs the entrepreneur who mainly trusts the data, facts and figures

How they see competition:
The Joypreneur sees competitors as collaborators on the same mission
vs the entrepreneur who wants to beat or even kill the competition

Why they pivot:
The Joypreneur changes direction or his/her role when he/she loses joy
vs the entrepreneur who only adapts based on where the market potential is

How they define success:
The Joypreneur defines success when he/she can do what he/she enjoys, make a living and enjoy life
vs the entrepreneur who measures success based on KPIs indicating growth, eg reaching certain revenue goals

What motivates them to move forward?
The Joypreneur follows a vision of what success looks and feels like
vs the entrepreneur who wants to solve a problem at a big scale

How they grow their business:
The Joypreneur grows carefully, by automating and delegating tasks and finding a way to make some passive income
vs the entrepreneur who wants to grow quickly and usually does so by employing more people

What makes a Joypreneur for you? Who do you know who is one?


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